Benefits Of Types Of CBD Oils

Anyone who uses CBD oil does so with their own reasons. Whether for recreational effect or medical purposes there are tremendous advantages. The controversy surrounding its use limits the use of CBD oils for medical purposes.

  • Epilepsy

 With extensive study on the effectiveness and safety, medical practitioners have approved CBD oil known as epidiolex in the treatment of two conditions.

These are two common conditions that are characterized by epileptic seizures according to studies.

  1. Lennox-gastaut syndrome which is a condition that appears between the age of 3 and 5 years and involves very different types of seizures.
  2. Dravet syndrome which is a rare condition commonly known for appearing in the first year of life and involves frequent fever related seizures.

It has been very hard to contain these types of conditions using traditional medical practices With the right dosage CBD oils have been used effectively to aid in the treatment process.

  • Sedatives.

There are people who find CBD oils to be effective in fighting insomnia. CBD oils from Phytocannabinoids are effective when it comes to regulating homeostasis. It is important to use the right dosage which is 5-10 mg 30 minutes before bedtime.

  • Cancer

There has been conclusive research that CBD can be used in the fight against cancer. Research proved that CBD oils helped in suppressing the growth of cancer cells hence promoting their destruction. If the levels of toxicity are carefully controlled to harmless levels, CBD oils can be effective in the fight against cancer.

  • Anxiety disorders

Some medical practitioners sometimes caution patients with anxiety disorders against using cannabis and its products. They believe that the levels of THC in CBD oils can trigger or amplify anxiety and paranoia. 

In recent years however, researchers have been able to prove that CBD oils may reduce anxiety in people with certain disorders such as P.T.S.D, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Researchers concluded that, the treatment currently being used for these disorders have more and dangerous side effects compared to CBD Oils

  • Type 1 diabetes

Research has proven that the inflammation on the pancreas which causes type 1 diabetes can be eased using CBD oils. This may yet prove to be a very significant step towards finding cure or control for type I diabetes.

  • Quitting smoking

There have been studies on the possibility to use CBD oils to try and quit smoking. Smoking cannabis can be   dangerous for health and CBD oils can be used in other means with the same desired effects.

Like all other medicinal products CBD oils have their side effects and risks. It is however important to try and weigh the risks against the benefits and decide whether to use CBD oils in trying to cure diseases.